professional liability insurance We have professional liability insurance with the following insurance company: Allianz AG Berlin Professional liability valid for (country): European Union
Tax number: 123/210/40169
Job-specific information: Job title: Freelance architect Responsible chamber: Bavarian Chamber of Architects / ByAk/ Waisenhausstraße 4/ 80637 Munich Telephone: 089/ 139 880 – 0 Awarded in/by: Bayern Germany / BYAK The following professional regulations apply: Chamber of Commerce Act – BauKaG and regulations of the BYAK These regulations can be found here: LINK BYAK
Responsible for journalistic-editorial content according to § 55 II RstV: Frank Decker
Pictures and graphics: Information on the source of the images and graphics used: / Architectural Photography Frank Decker / Photographer Frank Decker and under licensing from Copyright on website content and images: Frank Decker Website Theme Hiroshi