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How does your architecture philosophy differ from the technology-centered building we mainly find today?

This is an interesting question that we have already discussed in the team. The technical installation has become an end in itself, overwhelming the users. Technical control behaves normatively. The specifications of a statis¬tic user replace the user’s right to self-determination. The user has to submit to the building technology. This is the greatest possible influence on privacy and use.
However, people should not give up their sovereignty in dealing with technology. Many techno¬logies do not allow this, the human being becomes an „expert“. Rationalization, optimization and efficiency should not dominate man. Rather casually, the house should serve him and provide comfort.
This cannot work!

The creative house building is therefore in demand. Appealing designs, proportions, natural and authentic materials and a sculptural depth we want to realize. An object in which the values, such as firmitas, utilitas, venustas, -which can be translated as solidity, practicality, beauty- are in balanced harmony.

Fermitas, Utilitas, Venustas

These principles are as valid today as they were two thousand years ago, when Vitruvius published his ten-volume work, and which is still relevant today.
We rely on these three principles whenever it is commissioned to plan, design and construct a new building. We take pride in the beauty, durability and utility of the buildings
My team of freelance architects and designers are capable of creating almost any project. Vitruvian principles run as a common thread throughout our practice.

The architectural self-evidence is what such building needs. This gives the architect and client room for interpretation. We do not want an architecture that tells me how to function!

The client’s environment and his wishes, the topos, result in the context to be designed and its function. An intensive analysis with the peculiarities of the environment and the site are necessary for this.

Renewable energies: Of course, it seems remarkable when there is no „heating“ and the PV system and battery only need to be tuned. But an important factor speaks against this: Is the energy available when I need it? In the case of renewable electricity, this has not yet been
and electricity storage systems are not really a viable alternative due to the scarcity of raw materials, child labor and the fact that they can be disposed of as hazardous waste.

Shading through plants

Shading adapted to the position of the sun

Energy Optimized Construction

A well planned house should therefore be the energy storage itself. Volume, space and the materials used are the decisive factors.
The decisive factor is again the consideration of the topos -location-. In warmer regions, other requirements apply than in colder ones. The orientation of the building and the course of the sun must be taken into account when choosing the room functions and thus the window openings. The proportion of glass should be set in relation to the dimensions of the room and the location. Mass and heat capacity should therefore always be in focus.  

The energy specifications of so-called low-energy houses are often not achieved. Static calculations show that they never correspond to the actual consumption. Of course, climate theory had an answer to this: the user. He behaves wrongly. This is how you go around in circles. 


People are the most important part of the climate system. Houses with energy-optimized construction and sufficient heat storage react less to external factors than to traces, their users: such as body heat, humidity, the waste heat of its artifacts.

Usually, technology compensates for what architecture and users do. We think the other way around: the building should do again what has been delegated to technology. The building itself reacts by storage capacity, buffer, exchange, balance. It is therefore necessary to use enough building materials that can store energy, i.e. heat – in winter – or cold – in summer. 

Fresh outside air beats mechanical ventilation! An architecture of high thermal capacity allows a balance with spontaneous behavior. This shows the self-evidence of centuries of empirical building experience. If we want to understand why robust building types are useful, we need to know about local customs, building techniques, building materials – cultural aspects as well as climate and location.
Therefore, our modern, timeless and energy-optimized design is most effective and a significant contribution to sustainability. 


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